Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hilarious cat pictures

In the attempt to still continue writing because I've realized that NOT writing can dull the urge to write, I came across this video.  Now, I know the title is on pictures and I'm talking about a video.  Videos of amusing cats are simply hilarious cat pictures.  The following is an example of such a this going on.

Now I know, this isn't the average video. For the purpose of the blog, I did download from a server and then uploaded to here. But there comes a point in life when you just can't take any more of the way a person treats you. I may have lost a friend over such an incident. When the only thing that came out was negativity and others helped with it, I could only see red. Regardless of good memories had, I refuse to allow an individual to put me down over and over. It's just not who I am anymore. 

There was a time in my life when I would just allow others to dump on me whatever they thought, whatever they wanted. But, I've come to the point in life where I realize: some things I don't have to hear. I don't need to have negativity in my mind just rolling around. At all times and in all cases, there will be criticism. There is such a thing as positive criticism and it is completely necessary to keep to that.

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