Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to : Get Job, No Experience

When I first started writing this particular post, I was thinking about how I got started in web development.  I'd just quit a job that was wearing me down mentally, physically, and spiritually.  For those not used to the last word, I can also go with metaphysically.  I wanted to know more about web development, but more specifically how to.  In short my mantra was: Get Job, No Experience.  Finding the right way to go was a bit tricky and then I found a site of beauty.

Do sites of Web Developer forums exist?

I think you've got to be a bit more specific.  A title (when I was doing the research of this post) jumped out at me. "60 Ways To Generate Income With No Job".  I honestly could care less whether you do a Google search for that one.  Obscure block text greeted my half-blind eyes and I struggled through the words...only to discover that there was nothing there.  Great eye-catching title and a bunch of mumbling afterward.

I was going through my Twitter feed to try to find something to blog about.  After all, unless a person is linking something that hasn't been talked about in ages, you're bound to find something fresh to write about.  As I was reading, the following link caught my attention.  It was all about this free keyword tool for creating a winning YouTube channel.  Now, I'm no expert, but I do know that in order to find an audience, you must create that which your audience is looking for.

I clicked over, curious if they were going to do a review on my all-time favorite set of tools.  When I started writing this post, it was going to be about "the keyword tool that didn't make the cut".  But as I got more in-depth, I realized that if I merely wrote about the keyword tool, I would be missing out entirely on the SEO tool.

How I got started in using Twitter

It all started with one very bright, very witty normal young lady who has a brain for marketing.  Has a way of generating $ with Twitter.  Got my attention!  But then, I noticed that something wasn't adding up.  I suppose that each person has their own ideas on what works and what doesn't.  I rely on keywords to know what people are looking for because I am an advanced sheep.  Bear with me, I have a point to make, but it requires a bit of introduction.

Sheep, Advanced Sheep, and Shepherds & how they are different

I do not remember who made this comparison to me first, but he used the comparison of sheep and shepherd.  All of this was based on the basic idea that there are 3 types of people:  Those who create the news, those who share the news, and those that just read the news because somebody shared it.  To show the comparison a bit more, it looks like this:

  • Shepherd = those who create the news
  • Advanced Sheep = those who share the news
  • Sheep = those who read the news
I'm a news sharer.  I see how it can affect the lives of my sheep friends.  Seems a little sheepish to admit this (ok, bad pun), but I don't care about the news as it happens.  I have no desire to follow the news just so that I can be depressed about it.  I dealt with depression for 20 years until a group of stronger heads showed me how to dump depression.  While I have dealt with the depression in my own life, I'm still cleaning up from the affect 4 years later.   I DO care about the news when I can see how I can share it with my sheep friends.

This is how Kierra and I are different.  She cares a great deal more about sharing the news immediately as it happens, but also creating her own at the same time.  That's simply not my style and until I see how it happens in front of my own eyes, I see no point to it.  NOT to say it is pointless!!!  We've come to the point of agreeing to disagree.

Back to the main dish..erm topic

Advanced sheep use tools to find out what is being talked about.  When I was in college, I had to do a report about Twitter.  If my foggy brain serves me correctly, Twitter was created to find a way to use keywords in short bursts of information and still get the point across.  Along came link shortener sites and Twitter boomed over the Internet.  #hashtags are keywords.

So, I then came upon a YouTube Keyword tool that said I could check for any keyword and get a result.  Yup, I got one.  It is more expensive and provides less than Jaaxy.  Even more interesting, providing less than Jaaxy yet being MORE EXPENSIVE per month...seems a bit unfair.  See for yourself based on price alone:

On the left, you have the tool for finding keywords.  On the right, you have the same thing, but FAR MORE to do with the keywords.  I use the Pro Version at $19 USD/month.  Then, I simply head over to Wealthy Affiliate and use the forums there to learn how to apply.

So, why wasn't Jaaxy covered in the review of keyword tools?  I honestly don't know.  The monthly for Wealthy Affiliate is $47.  Add that with the monthly of Jaaxy and you still haven't gotten to the monthly of the Keyword Tool for YouTube.

So, create a YouTube channel if you wish to monetize.  Or, simply buy websites and monetize.  I prefer the second choice.

Thoughts or comments?

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