Saturday, January 17, 2015

Insert title here

In an effort to maintain writing and getting past any type of monetary slump, I am consolidating a great deal of information into one name.  I've been tossing around an idea that was presented to me about consolidating niches.  I've had two difficult bits happen at the same time and pulling as many strings as I can.  The helpless and hopeless feeling I have had before.  But I overcame.  And I will again.

So, here I pose a question: what would you say about consolidating 3 separate websites into the niche of one?  In each of the 3, there is one common denominator and that is "thoughts".  How a person thinks in mental disorders, how they think when considering a health supplement, and how they think when creating an income for themselves.  Thoughts!  Cognitive Reasoning is the more "sciency" term, but still a question.

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